Thursday, December 29, 2016

Rupee Shortage

There is a real currency crisis here.  Rupees are very hard to come by.  We were told the reason for this is because the government is trying to stop currency counterfeiting.  The 1,000 Rupee is no longer in existence, and we were warned that if we receive one back as change, to be sure not to pass it on and request a different bill.  Also, the 2000 Rupee is hard to exchange since everyone is short of smaller change, and the government will be banning the 2000 Rupee soon.  We received a 64 Rupees for every dollar exchange and then you pay about a $7 US dollar fee for every $100 you try to exchange.  We were surprised that no one here will accept smaller US bills even though the US dollar is worth more.  Some had luck paying for items if they used a $20 US bill since that is easier to exchange than try to get smaller Rupees for smaller US bills.  No one knows how much longer this currency crisis will last.

How many American dollars is this?  I was able to purchase two quality scarves made from Himalayan goats and have some to spare for other purchases.  Notice the leader on every Rupee:)


  1. An interesting fact that i learned is that mahatma gandhi is on the rupee.

  2. I also had no idea that Gandhi was on the rupee. That shows how important he is to India.

  3. I never knew that Gandhi was on their money. Thats very interesting because here we have presidents and they have him.

  4. So Gandhi is on more than one amount of rupee. Why is the amount of rupee written in English numbers? Who chose the colors of the rupees? Why is Gandhi facing the other way on the other rupee instead of having Gandhi facing the same way in all rupees?What are the rupees made of? Does the rupees have a certain smell? When was rupees first originated? Who designed the rupees?

  5. what's the exchange rate?

  6. What is their government doing about all of this? Do they have any other plans besides just getting rid of these bills? It will take a long time for a change like that to happen in a country with millions of people, especially.

  7. How many rupees equal a $10 dollar bill? Do they have change(quarter, dimes, nickel, penny) instead of these dollar bill?

  8. Why do they have Ghandi and not any other leader of India?
