Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Scenes from Driving Throughout India

We have spent countless hours driving by bus throughout the streets, towns, cities, and villages of India.  These are pictures I have gathered to try to show different areas.  There is clearly no escaping the effects of extreme poverty and pollution.  I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted, and we are only around halfway through our tour.  Day in and day out of taking in what the Indian people live, work and survive day by day in has greatly impacted my life and changed me.  These people don't know any other lifestyle, and it wounds me deeply.  There are various organizations, around ten, that we have visited, that work around the clock to try to help as many people as possible to leave the poverty cycle and to give them hope.  These organizations are not always looking for monetary donations.  Sometimes it's as simple as showing you care and offering a skill, suggestion, or time to make even the smallest difference. The poverty cycle and impact of over 1 billion people living in one country not only impacts people, but also various animals, rivers and lakes, the environment and air quality.  Throughout my time here in India, I have been coughing and blowing out black soot out of my nose.  I can't imagine how the lack of air quality impacts the people who live here.  It's definitely felt on a number of levels.    


  1. It's clear with these pictures that the poverty truly does impact everything. Just seeing the excessive amount of trash on the dirt roads, where normally grass would be grown, proves that poverty is the biggest problem.

  2. Wow, its sad to see people living in such poverty.

  3. Poverty is definitely keeping these people from improving their life.

  4. i wonder how long does it take them to finish their creation, which looks very interesting

  5. I think it's too dangerous to be driving motorcycle in the middle of the street to does people and animals.

  6. Looking through the pictures is heart breaking because they really live worst then us and all the pollution that is horrible.

  7. The cows are everywhere!!!! I think the cows are planning something.....

  8. Did you touch the cows? The cow looks bony and looks like starving, did you try to feed it?

  9. I think it's good for the cows to roam around their own rather than being contained in a building where they await to be slaughtered for their meat here in America for the big meat processing companies

  10. Were the cows harmful? Did you have to wear gear such as masks when you walk in the highly polluted areas?

  11. How did it feel being around all these cows?

  12. I always knew that they considered cows sacred but why and when did this first come about ?

  13. The animals look very sick...the environment looks very polluted as well.

  14. Were you uncomfortable being in such a highly populated area?

  15. Did you or any of the other tourists get sick when arriving to India?

  16. when noone is on the street it looks like India has been through a recent war

  17. it seems so polluted is india's government doing anything about that?

  18. Was it dangerous over there did you guys run into any kinds of trouble when you were there ?

  19. Why are the houses built so close together?

  20. I see alot of car but very poor- roads. The car there must break down all the time how much would the car cost to get fixed or would they would just find other ways to get around?

  21. Did you get scare of the cows in the streets? What was your thought when you saw the street and living condition in India?

  22. Its very eye opening to see how they live day to day and what they see around them

  23. It must be hard to live in that environment with all that pollution

  24. Its seem like poverty its a big problem and it shows us how poverty impacts the environment ?

  25. im grateful for what i have in america because this opens my eyes to how huge poverty is.

  26. I can tell poverty is all over India based on a few of these pictures.

  27. their poverty rate is out of this world its really sad to see.

  28. The animals look like their starving

  29. The ground is all dirt no concrete or nothing

  30. Was it emotional seeing all that poverty? And was it fun riding in one of those taxis?

  31. What would happen if someone rides a cow and did you see people riding other types of animals like horses? Did you see any regular cars other than them old looking cabs? Where are the gas stations at and how much does gas cost, I think its cheap because in global I learned India was a big producer of oil and gas. I would have expected a lot of people to be riding on bikes not motorcycles. Is their a type of DMV and licenses you must have or road regulations? You better answer every question I got omm.
